Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Burt Award For African Literature Writing Competition

The Canadian Organization For Development through Education (CODE) in association with the National Book Development Council of Kenya (NBDCK) with generous support from Canadian patron Mr. Bill Burt have the pleasure to invite Kenyan authors to take part in a writing competition to produce engaging literature for youth (12-18 years old) which will be published as the Burt Award African literature.
Objectives of the Award
1.      To support the development of literature for a critical stage of learning.
2.      To publish stories that strengthens the English Language skills of the youth.
3.      To stimulate African Publishing.
Criteria for the awards writing competition
The story should
1.      Be written in English
2.      Demonstrate solid command of English
3.      Be thought provoking and have a protagonist who overcomes numerous odds and challenges.
4.      Be prose fiction.
5.      Have a strong literary merit.
6.      Should reflect current issues and challenges to contemporary Kenya
Manuscript submission guide  
1.      The length of the manuscript should be between 120-150 pages.
2.      The manuscript should be in chapter form.
3.      The should be typed and written in double space
4.      Times font new Romans font size 12.
The awards
1ST Prize       CAD$12000               KSHs 1,000,000
2nd Prize       CAD$ 6000                 KSHs 500,000
3rd Prize       CAD$ 3000                  KSHs 250,000
Deadline for submission; Friday, 30th September 2011. At 12.00 noon.
All submissions should be submitted to info@nationalbookcouncilkenya.org
For more information see; www.nationalbookcouncilkenya.org


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