Thursday, October 14, 2010


I have been a little pissed of during the last two weeks, one because i don't seem to be finishing school as soon as i would like and two because there is  a real fear that i might live campus without positive and life changing experiences. i have been observing my peers apart from my room mate and a few others who really stand out i believe that Kenyan campuses are churning out not only
half baked graduates which in it self ain't matter so much but the character s of the students and the general blondness that characterizes most of them is appalling to say the least. i mean campus and university education must have entered new deeper depths of the abyss that is ignorance. but that is expected given that my political science lecturer er does not seem to remember the year Kenya gained Independence. I am informed that university in itself is a term that refers to the universality, but that i am yet to encounter. I am not self righteous for my character is not without blemish i am not even that bright but at least i posses the desire to know more.

How then do you explain the filling of disgust that engulfs me whenever i am in the company of make believe egomaniacs who pretend to know it all yet know to little about anything. I am a social scientist, the breed that William Ruto is working tirelessly to weed out and so i go out of my way to feel my environment, i know i cant survive if a don't do this so i don't understand why others don't

Now this paragraph is dedicated to my exhaustion with the realization that some things will never change, one we don't have terrestial broadcast feeds for NTV, KTN, and the other whatnot stations of Kenya at  home, we used to get NTV on satellite but it was all gone, now the problem is that no one seems to care now am writing at the top of my hand to see if there is anyone out there who cares. Secondly  i am urging my friend Michuki to stop imposing political toddlers on us as our most preferred choices for the presidency and thirdly can't some just give a beer? adios.


At October 18, 2010 at 8:17 AM , Blogger Grys said...

I really like this way to go! Comparing American Politics to Kenyan politics it way different and it will take our Kenyan leaders a lot to change and really work hard to build a better nation.

At November 6, 2010 at 3:06 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

yeah it will take us to build a better nation we need to believe in ourselves in a big way. we have what it takes


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