Saturday, September 18, 2010

triad of love

i don't read the bible much, i don't even go to church, recently i even met a girl who told me philosophy had turned her into an agnostic (had to check that out on word web first) but i still do have an inate love for my creator, i don't go to church on sunday's because i hat mapping out routines in my life, but i acknowledge the omniprescence being of God, and know that he is always in my heart. i have a poor memory of bibilical memonics, but i remember one verse about Rachel, it goes something like this, " Rachel is crying for her children, coz they are not" many a time i have tried to conceptualize the meaning of such a short phrase.

the phrase is very compelling, Rachel was crying for her children the, the hopes of her people, now i have tried mirror the historical bibilical situation in my life. in the past there are women who have cried for me, for my hopes, for my dreams, for my aspirations, they have cried with me to, they have wiped my tears and restored hope for life and for the future, one of them is the axis and the premise for life, my favourite person thus far, this blog is dedicated to them, they are my grandmother and my mum. i pledge to never dissopoint them. coz to me theres joy in living life as they would have wanted me to.

i am a mash up of all their dreams and aspirations, an ambassador of their voice and and hopes and i promise i will be what they wanted me to be. in my formative years they protected the bud of hope they had seen in me with love and understanding, now's my turn to show them that their lessons for life to me were fruitful, for the memories of my child hood days with my mum and my grandma in them makes up for a triad of love that inspired a lifetime in me. i miss u grandma terry, promise to never let down, this is a prayer not a recital so,help me God
. Amen.


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