Friday, October 1, 2010

remember Garang

Not t so lon ago i remember the names De Mabior Garang etched into my high school seat, and everybody used to call me Garang, I even remembered his emotion rendering peace over the radio during the signing of the comprehensive peace agreement. yet the events of the last few days have conspired to re-invoke my emotions on one of the greatest revolutionaries on the African continent.I have been arguing for a fact that the capital of the proposed state of South Sudan is Rumbek and not Juba. I remember the image of a man in a millitary jacket fighting a war of minds and souls but yet the epitome and the embodiment of hope of a people not different from the Jew slaves in Egypt.
though he has been long gone his memories are with us i can't remember the last time i had so much faith in an African man and what he stood for he. Now that South Sudan is headed for the referendum all am hoping is that the dreams and aspirations of Garang De Mabior are going to blossom, with the scent of thier flowers giving us the inspiration to walk the talk and re-unite body and soul and walk where our hearts are at.


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