Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Kazi Kwa Vijana, Water Ministry Scandal Show what a corrupt band ODM is

The Swahili have a saying “Mkuki kwa nguruwe mtamu, kwa binadamu mchunngu,” ( A spear to a swine is sweet to a human well not so sweet.) This saying gains synonymy in contemporary Kenyan society. Kenyan politicians have a penchant for dwelling on the misfortunes of their nemeses and fighting with iron fists when the same misfortunes befall them. The double speak in Kenya’s political arena is so widespread that the casual observer might take it for the name.
Take ODM (The Orange Democratic Party) apparently the most popular party in Kenya, though glaring in its lack of ideology (Kenyan Parties across the board are non-ideology based). The ODM is an uneasy amalgam; at its inception it had the sole purpose of delivering a one Raila Odinga to state house. The party stay’s its course at the expense of truth and common in sense in Kenya’s politics.
A while back some cabinet ministers have been forced to relinquish their cabinet positions for alleged itchy fingered-ness when it came to dealing with public finances and resources. Key among this minister who have had to take the bitter pill of relinquishing their posts albeit for a while pending investigations (for they always get reinstated) include; Amos Kimunya (Party of National Unity PNU) former Minister for Finance for his role in the Laico Regency scam, William Ruto (renegade, ODM) former Minister for Agriculture/higher education for his scandals with regards to the Strategic Grain reserve among others. These ministers suspended for alleged underhand dealings are apparent nemeses of Raila Odinga, Kenya’s Prime Mininiuster and the De-facto leader of the ODM.
Spurred by a ‘vibrant’ civil society (cheerleading for Raila Odinga), ODM which has got a majority in parliament has gone on to pass censure motions against non-members of their party.
Fast forward, the Minister for Water and irrigation Miss Charity Ngilu an ODM member and a strategic darling of Raila Odinga guts Sh550 million [US$ 7.7 million]. Her political benefactor comes up fighting for her. She feigns innocence, misbehaves on national television and refuses to step aside. She cries foul, blames the Vice-President for her misfortunes. Meanwhile Raila is not ready to lose a political ally. She simply stays put.
(The public water business in Kenya is particularly a murky one. I remember a particular Water project in my village, Funded by the Constituency Development Fund. Mr. Moody Awori a former vice-president was to turn up and turn the waters of development flowing from the taps. But after sinking millions of Kenyan Shillings into the ground (not really, into crony contractors pockets) into sub-standard work and workmanships the water would not flow. Simple solution though, fetch the water on donkey bank empty it into a tank, and wait for the Vice-president to cut the tape, turn the taps on, and plant a tree. ‘Clap, clap, clap and hurrah shall we clap for the free water. I felt cheated.
Fast forward gain and the a scandal is brewing in the prime ministers docket. 970million shillings run away and hide from the Kazi Kwa Vijana Project. A project funded by the World Bank. The Deputy speaker (ODM) appears on a television appears on a television talk show and says the World Bank to stop bleating about the money because it is a loan and we Kenyans will pay for it anyway. Meanwhile the rest of the ODM bandwagon gets behind the Prime-Minister, any attempt to smear his name shall not be tolerated. A lobby group of young people, epitomes of what happens when we the young sell our souls to the devil, hold a press conference to profess their undying love for the Prime Minister. Among them David Osiany a former student leader of Nairobi University whose godfather’s almost brought a University down in his underhand support and alas John Kiarie a man who used to make jokes for a living, he now makes jokes extolling the prime minister and for pay and other associated largesse.
“Mimi ni mweupe kama pamba” (I am as white as snow)” Raila says.
Well he should resign and let us Kenyans and the due process of the law to decide as snow. He stands to cheat us of our dreams and aspirations, but we who can read the deep wrinkles in his face shall cry ‘wolf” until a couple of us are screaming


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