Monday, October 3, 2011

Decolonizing the Ethnic Mind.

In this world it is much more important to be forthright than sane. When I was young, growing up in predominately Kikuyu neighborhood, I received pretty much of my entire ethnic acculturation from this areas.
Passed on from colonial periods were tales of Kikuyu’s suffering at the hands of Kings African Rifles, (KAR) or Nyango’ris a force which at the time was pre-dominantly staffed by people from Western Kenya. Then there were stories of a not so civil people living around Kabartonjo or thereabouts. The forthright amongst us will acquiesce to receiving an en-culturation laced with ethnic biases, the sooner we accept this better positioned we are to address the ethnic frictions that blow up once in a while.
In Kenya we have been seemingly unable to provide solutions to the ethnic divide that permeates Kenyan society. Because we have seemingly been unable to find a solution in healing our tribal problems we must therefore agree that tribalism ought to learn to live with before we seek solutions. Only then could we engage our creative selves towards decolonizing our ethnic minds.


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