Friday, August 26, 2011

Africa's Hopes Needs Young Spirits

Back then when i used to go to church, quite rightly when i used to tag along as my mother went for service, i remember a fervent sermon by one emotional preacher. It was about a man whose name was Job, Job was undergoing through a lot of tribulations, from losing his family and his wealth there was one trait that stood poignant above all else during his period of trial. Now my knowledge of the bible is really scant*now do not misunderstand me i have read a lot of religious literature* from the informative Awake and The Watchtower though I am not a witness. From the fervent sermon i remember a verse like "Arise, shake off the dust and go" for those well versed in the bible please re-quote the verse in its original form.

Jobs, predicament can be likened to our continent, beautiful Africa. Although most people acquiesce that Africa is indeed rich, she as continent has be beleaguered by myriads of problems from being plundered for gold, and her people to being involuntarily ruled by foreign masters to having her hopes dashed by shortsighted post-independent leaders, read Boigny,Mobutu, Nkrumah, Nyerere, the ever annoying Mugabe to name just but a few there is one thing that Africa has never lost; her soul.

within her soul lies an unbridled hope, a burning desire to seize her destiny, to see her dreams come to fruition. These though shall not come to be if they are Africa is left in the hands of adulterated spirits, that is why we, we the young that are young at heart must seize our shared mother and protect. For Africa's rebirth will be midwifed by young spirits.


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