Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ningeomaba Serekali

Flipping through the news channels in Kenya provides an important peep into contemporary Kenyan life almost synonymously characterized by tragedy upon tragedy. An irritable scene that almost follows all tragedies where TV cameras zoom in on destitute and desperate victims. In almost all scenarios the victims will most certainly say "sasa kwa vile kumenda hivi, sisi tungeomba serekali .................,"

The question that lingers though is, What should the government do for you or for us for that matter? In most cases the range of responses would be multiple and varied, yet non of this destitute Kenyans lack a basic understanding what government should do for them. Surely quality of life in almost all situations tend to improve when governments do less and less for its citizenry and let individuals lead rational lives.
Casing point refer to Hongkong's, Singapore's, and Dubai's phenomenal growth. Hongkong is synonymous with the absence of big government and the same could be said of the other countries.

When Kenya's government passed a law that restricts the Alcohol Control Bill "the mututho laws" it had been anticipated that they would curb alcohol related accidents. That though has not been so the recent deaths In Kiamaina in Nyahuru prove that that has not been achieved. What the government essentially did was to transfer the powers to kill Kenyans through brew from individual brewers to registered brewers who pay tax. The brew that kills Kenyans this days comes from document brewers and distillers meaning in itself that government lacks the capacity to regulate the Alcoholic Drinks industry however much it alludes it can do so. This shows a conspicuous lack of afterthought on the part of the government, afterthought though is a preserve of rational entrepreneurs. Politicians in Nairobi vehemently opposed the relocation of Sinai residents for apparent political gains. I wonder whether they have a disturbed conscious, for the blood in their hands.

If i were to find myself to in the glare of television cameras, i think this is what i would say "Ningeomba serekali iwache niwe,(I would request the government to let me be.")So Mr. Government Just let me be.



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